Gender Fluid? In today's society, many more teens are identifying themselves as "gender-fluid" or transgender. Many people who are gender fluid or transgender have mental health, compared to those that are cisgender, gender according to the original. The article states that schools should be more aware and spread the awareness of the various genders that teens …

Abortion The practice of abortion is a controversial thought that is split into two sides: pro-life and pro-choice. In this article, Katha Pollitt points out that women who are getting abortions should be punished. They are ultimately killing a baby and is like someone who hires a hitman to kill someone. Laws in the United …

Nazi Horrors Fade into History A group of teenagers at a party in Costa Mesa pose around a swastika made from red solo cups. A girl screenshotted the photos and posted them, exclaiming how ignorant and insensitive they were being. One of the kids faked an apology and then later revealed that he was not sorry and had a …

Ehrlich’s Essay: About Men

Ehrlich’s purpose in his essay is to inform the readers of the various characteristics that a cowboy bears. While, being tough and physically fit, they are also compassionate and and selfless. She wants to show the readers that there is so much more to a cowboy than simply the stereotype appearance that they are outdoorsy …

Santa Claus: Beneficial or Detrimental?

"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." -Buddy the Elf Every year, millions of letters written by children all over the world are sent to the post office and are addressed to the North Pole. Parents tell their children a small, white lie in order to make …

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